here to see the map (it will open in a new window)
1 Entrance
2 Administration court
3 Reception office (Geschäftszimmer). This is where records of prisoners
were kept. It was managed by the deputy prison commander W .Schmidt who
was sentenced and executed after World War Two.
4 Guards' office (Wachstube). This is where prisoners' letters were censored
and inmates interrogated.
5 Prison commander's office. The post was held throughout the war by Heinrich
Jöckel who was notorious for his cruelty. He was sentenced and executed
in 1946.
6 Clothes store (Kammer), headed by K. Wachholz. This is where prisoners
had to change their clothes for mainly discarded military uniforms of
the defeated armies' soldiers. Wachholz was sentenced to death in East
Germany in 1968.
7 Gate with inscription "Arbeit macht frei". The inscription was typical
of most Nazi concentration camps and untypical of a Gestapo prison. It
served as an entrance to the first courtyard.
8 First courtyard. It is divided into Blocks A and B with 17 mass cells
and 20 solitary confinements. The courtyard used to be inhabited by up
to 1 ,500 inmates.
9 Up to 100 prisoners were crowded in the cells. The so-called Russian
cell (No.1) was used for Soviet citizens, while cells Nos.2 and 3 were
used for Jews arrested for political activities andviolating anti-Jewish
regulations. Both groups were treated in an inhuman way.
10 Surgery. It was used by the officially appointed police doctor B.Krönert
of Litomefice.
11 Firstcourtyard's commander's office. It was headed by A.Neubauer and
later S. Rojko -both of them sentenced after the war . This is where working
kommandos were put together and records of prisoners in cells were kept.
12 Solitary confinements. They were used to isolate inmates sentenced
to be severely punished orexecuted, orthosewhose interrogations were not
13 Bathroom and delousing room.
14 Sick room. This is where imprisoned doctors attended the sick.
15 The so-called show shaving-room which was adjusted in 1944 and designed
to show how the prison authorities kept sanitary precautions.
16 Hospital block (Krankenrevier). This is where hundreds of prisoners
died of typhoid fever under horrible conditions at the end of the war.
In 1944, the women's section was moved here temporarily.
17 Underground passage. It is part of the original fortification system,
but it was not used during World War T wo. It leads to the place where
prisoners were executed.
18 Mortuary. This is where corpses of tortured prisoners were kept. They
were burned in the Bohusovice crematorium since 1942.
19 Placeofexecution. Atthe Small Fortress, they began toexecute prisoners
in 1943. Some 250 inmates were shot to death. The biggest execution was
carried out on May 2, 1945 when 52 people were killed, mostly members
of resistance organisations (e.g.Vanguard). The gal- lows were used only
once to hang three prisoners. A tun- nel in the mound leads to mass graves.
20 Mass graves. 601 corpses were exhumed from them in the summer of 1945.
They were reburied at the Natio- nal cemetery.
21 Gate of Death. This is where prisoners had to pass on their way to
the place of execution.
22 Swimming pool. It was built in 1942 and used by the guards' families
to swim. It was constructed by students of Roudnice and Jewish prisoners
who were tortured and beaten while working.
23 Cinema. It was established in 1942 for the guards. Today it is used
to show documentary films about Terezin. The anteroom serves as an exhibition
24 Fourth couriyard. Its con- struction began in 1943 and the first prisoners
came in the autumn of 1944. At the end of the war, over 3,000 inmates
lived and nearly died here.
25 Fourth courtyard's administration building. Today it holds the earth
from concentration camps where the prisoners were sent from the Small
26 Individual mass cells (lett) held 400-600 people. In cell No.44, prisoners
marked XVZ who were to be executed, were concentrated (they were also
among the killed on May 2, 1945). Today, two of the cells serve as an
exhibition hall.
27 Cells in courtyard's raised part and warning gallows. Atter three persons
failed to escape from cell No.38 in March 1945, one of the escapees and
t wo other men and a woman selected at random, were executed as a warning
in the courtyard's corner. The remaining two were caught and stoned to
death in a court near the solitary confirlements in the first courtyard.
28 Solitary confinements in fourth couriyard. In 1945 they were used as
mass cells.
29 SS-barracks. This is where 120 SS-guards were lodged. It is now the
museum's exhibition hall and gallery
30 The so-called Lord's House. This is where the prison commander as weIl
as some guards with their families stayed. Today there are the Monument's
31 Second courtyard. There were mostly workshops where the inmates worked.
This part of the Small Fortress is not open for visitors.
32 Canteen. It served for the prison statt.
33 Third courtyard. It was reserved for w omen singe June 1942. In 1944,
the first working transport for the Litomence concentration camp was lodged
here temporarily.
34 National cemetery. It was filled gradually between 1945 and 1958. There
are corpses of some 10,000 victims from the Small Fortress, Terezin ghetto
and Litomence concentration camp. 2,386 are buried in individual graves.