Atlantikwall in Denmark

The bunker of "Hanstholm II" was built during 1940-41 and housed a 38 cm S.K.C/34 in a "land turret" (Bettungsschiessgerät C/39). The bunker covers an area of about 3.000 m2 and housed the 90 man crew, machine rooms, bath room, toilet and ammunition rooms with about 160 shells and charges. Below you can see some pictures from the main battery and other bunkers in that area.

Hanstholm II

My father is taking a walk around the gunsite

Inside the Hanstholm II

Command bunker

21cm gun bunker

View over the bunkers

Same as above

Machinegun post

MG cupola

Me on my way out from a bunker

Me and my father inside a command bunker

The Tirpitz battery in southern Denmark