
Patrik Berlins fabulous website with a lot of pictures from Verdun

Nils Fabianssons' site. I suggest that you spend a couple of hours here, as itīs a lot of interesting reading.



Swedish author Peter Englunds' web site, in Swedish


A lot of information both in English and in Swedish



This site is in Swedish and here is a lot of information about the second world war.


Places of World War Two. Here you can find a lot of places to visit that are related to the second world war.

Lars Gyllenhaals' website about the situation in the northern part of Europe during the second world war.

The Archi Varia webpage. Here you can find excellent maps of the tunnels that helped my through my way in Fort Tavannes. (This page is in German only. If you do not read German I recommend Altavistas Babblefish.)



A new web site about the Battle of Verdun.(new)

An excelent website about the battles of World War 1

Here you can find a lot of pictures, movies and a lot of other information about WW2.

Blood on the Grass
On this website you can find a lot of information about battlegrounds all over the world. From acient time to present days.


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